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A member registered Jan 21, 2022

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Wait what happened?

(1 edit)

Thank you. whenever I post something that'll have spoilers i give a warning and do this













So it gets put behind the View Rest button.

BRO! what the fuck?! Spoilers my guy! i JUST came to download the next update! Have some courtesy!

Thank you!

Can I get a fresh link to the discord? Been looking forward to the full release of this game and I'd like to stay updated.

Hey @WierldWorld, I believe I have found some kind of bug in one of the story loops. (do not read ahead if you wish to avoid spoilers.)

During the S.I.N. initiation ceremony, if you have repeated the loop through all three deaths (i think there are 3 anyway) and continued all the way through the fight route, choosing to Warn Rina and Met seems to trigger being discovered as if you had stolen the meds from Langdon's office and killed the basement guarding monster even if you haven't. Not warning them has the ceremony play out normally with Eisheth trying to force you to take the oath. Pretty sure this is a bug unless theres some meta reason instead.


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Quick question, also Spoiler warning.



















Is there anything you can sacrifice that isn't a part of you, or Greta? Aside from the marriage? I was expecting the ball, but that's a bit out of reach.

To anyone having trouble with the Greta's Tongueless Adventure video game at the beginning, the trick is to go slow. It's not flappy bird. Walk right up to a post and press jump. You don't need a running start. You'll jump right over it every time. Wish idve figured that out 3 hours earlier...

How do you unlock the 5th item? I've punched, slapped, whipped and vibrated everything I can find but the 5th is still locked.

seems like it never happened

BRUH! Spoilers! cmon man!

I did! Thank you!

There's a discord channel!?

(1 edit)

Hmm yeah that might be how I'm missing it I didn't even know you could go to the party as a girl. I didn't the Ntr route and posted about it here so others wouldn't have to.

Well I know I'm missing the first ella scene somehow.

Does anyone have a gallery scene Guide? I'm missing 1 scene with Ella, and 5 Wierd ones and can't for the life of me figure out what they are and how to get them. I've played this game a LOT rewinding and redoing almost every choice. I've never found these pathways.

I thought he just told him he could touch animals and feel what it's like to be them to copy their triats? But if so then, Yeah, that's weird, he was keeping it a total secret up until that point and now suddenly everyone is just okay with the fact that he could touch any one of them and read their memories. 

(6 edits)

Spoilers ahead:





Wait... so at what point did the MC decide to reveal the full extent of his powers regarding reading minds and stuff to H.E.R.O? Like, even during his mind reading evaluation he was hiding it, but now he seems to be flaunting it everywhere after the big battle and everyone seems to know about it. Ella straight up kills you if you reveal you can do that to her saying that "you were perfect all along." Or something like that. I don't remember seeing any point where he chose to reveal that ability to anyone but Deryl. I noticed him doing it for the first time in Ella's apartment with Christie and Emily, but he mightve done it a couple times before that. Just seems odd that he's so public about his most dangerous power all of a sudden, reading memories and minds. Because as far as they knew before, he could just touch animals and that allowed him to transform into them, not read their memories.

you could see them in the background in some scenes, i was wondering when wed finally see one up close

no problem

yeah but I finished it long before the the bonfire event. They don't always happen at the same time you know.

Maybe it's before the finale of that? Cuz like the normal story it happens over several events as the guy grooms her.

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Yeah it's pretty gut wrenching. Funnily enough the author is making fun of you and calling you a cuck the entire time you're on that route too lol.

Oh damn I didn't even know that. I wasn't anywhere near the bonfire event when I did it. Geez.

*what's for nightfall and breaks back into the museum through the skylight mission impossible style, cock still fully erect, dangling from a rope directly above the Statue of Venus*

Does an erection for giant stone women qualify as excitement?

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Well spoiler warning obviously 




















Essentially, she ends up getting kidnapped and strung out on drugs by her manager, gets gangbanged by him and his friends who turn her into a sex slave, up until he mentions he's going to use her to do the same to her sister, which snaps her out of her drug induce stupor, and drives her into a rage where she fucking stabs one guy in the eye with a drug needle he was trying to use on her, gets her ass beaten by the black hitman guy and then pulls some crazy home alone stuff on the him before putting him down (with his own gun I think) and then she completely slaughters the manager with a butcher knife from the kitchen, pretty sure she castrates him too, before you finally show up to find her covered in blood with the house on fire. You compress all the corpses and take her home. Pretty sure she never speaks about it again. I think you actually play as her in the home alone part but I don't remember. She's a fucking badass tho.

yeah you kinda have to let D**** cuck you outta making babies with the sexy monster waifu.

Oof... that's part of the NTR route... it's pretty tragic... I did it out of a sense of completionism but I kinda wish I hadnt...

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Yeah it's a great game. His story telling is phenomenal

Goddammit you're right... I forgot until I played it again that it was fucking j*red *phtew* gross... I hate that the first time I played I let him bang me as a girl... I didn't realize he was even a main character, let alone such a shithead.

Even after evolving? I thought power in a super human resets once evolution is unlocked? Idk man. Just seems real odd that avoiding a super significant event, that can actually result in a power boost is the way to save her.

even though the hesitation moment is AFTER killing the red light chimera?

Ugggh just now learned that to save L***** You have to let Deryl go right... no fair. How come I only have the power to save her if HE gets to make bebbies with monster mommy? How is that a score AGAINST Deryl? Guess I have to go back and do it again.


Wait what? I'm NOT supposed to bang Grendel's hot goth monster mom? pfft. Screw that perfect score then. I didn't even realize I didn't get it.

incoming update, im foaming at the mouth